Exploring Creation with General Science

Teacher Enrollement Fee Lab Fee Grades
Mrs. Victoria Rose
Mrs. Rose works with students in the Biology class using microscopes.

We will be using Exploring Creation Second Edition through General Science by Dr. Jay L. Wile. This course will be a student’s first systematic introduction to the sciences.

This class will work for students in 7-9th grade with some room for flexibility depending on the student.

The course covers such topics as the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, archaeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and human anatomy and physiology. Its scope, therefore, is quite wide. There are many hands-on experiments for us to enjoy in classroom labs. This class is the first in a series of more advanced texts suitable to prepare a student for High School science classes. Students will be introduced to Cornell Notes, lab procedures, formal lab reports and more!

Students will need the text and tests/solutions for the 2nd edition of this text.