Writing and Rhetoric (Levels 7 and 8)

“In the award-winning Writing & Rhetoric series, author Paul Kortepeter has thoughtfully and creatively recovered the proven method of the progymnasmata (the “exercises”), a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric.”

The goal of this curriculum is to produce clear and coherent writing (and speaking) that is appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.

We will spend our time together in class, strengthening our capacity to choose our words wisely, listen well, and deliver thoughtful feedback to classmates through lively discussion of the example texts and our written assignments.  In addition, this class will pair nicely with the Formal Logic class in developing excellent rhetorical skills in your 7th-9th grade students.

*Each book and level builds upon the previous in a spiral approach, but there’s no need to be concerned if your student hasn’t completed levels 4-5-6; we will compensate for that in class. 

For an in-depth explanation of Writing & RhetoricWR-ScopeSequence_2017.pdf (shopify.com)

Required text: Classical Academic Press – Writing & Rhetoric Student Edition for levels 7 and 8.